Sunday, January 04, 2009

Nagoya Temple - Japan (名古屋城)

Osu Kannon in Nagoya is revered as one of the most important temples of the Shingon-Buddhism sectarian. Located at the heart of Nagoya, the temple stands as one of the major attractions of the city. The temple dates back several centuries, and the structure as we see it today, is actually a reconstruction of the original that had naturally been ruined with time. 

The Osu Kannon temple houses a shrine of Kanzeon-bosatsu or kannon-sama and is worshipped as the Japanese goddess of mercy. Sculpted by kobo-daishi, a priest of the Heian (Peaceful) era, the image of Kanzeon-bosatsu draws numerous visitors to its grounds. The image is eloquent with a benign smile carved on it, and is indeed an embalming sanctum for the worshippers here. A number of exquisite Buddha images line close to the main image and add to the quaint charm of the temple.

Nagoya Osu Kannon had originally been built in the Gifu Prefecture, on the banks of the Kiso and Nagara River and served as a strategic point in the fortification of the main Tokugawa fort. However, a devastating flood in 1605 swept away the ancient structure, and all that remained were a few scriptures and other treasures.

Tokugawa Ieyasu later housed these remains in the new temple that was constructed in 1612 in the site where it stands till date. The present building however, is a 1970 reconstruction, as the old structure had fallen prey to the ravaging flames that destroyed the main building and its adjacent pagoda in the 1820s.

The reconstructed temple closely resembles the original construction and stands today to narrate a fascinating history. The temple grounds draw a huge crowd to marvel at the colorful architecture, and the number of visitors multiplies as the temple grounds host its monthly flea markets. On the 18th and 28th of each month, the precincts of Osu Kannon are transformed into a bustling hub of shops supplying a variety of souvenirs and interesting oriental pieces.

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Note : Di Osu Kannon banyak orang Indonesia suka kongkow-kongkow, ngumpul sambil pada belanja oleh-oleh (biasanya elektronic-->Camera, DigiCam, NoteBook, dll) di hari sabtu atow minggu, kata temen yang masih disana, bahkan hingga hari ini katanya.....
Bwat temen/rekan yang sempet dan akan ke Japan, khususnya ke daerah (Sizuoka, Hamamatsu, Nagoya, Mie Pref (termasuk Yokkaichi)), trus mo cari Omiyage (oleh-oleh), tempat paling okke mungkin Osu Kannon ini....cheers....

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